Craniosacral: Touch Therapy with Somato-Emotional Release

Our bodies hold our memories, our emotions, and an incredible amount of potential energy. Craniosacral therapy lets you drop into a deep space of relaxation, healing, and unwinding so you can have more control over how and where you spend your energy.

Traumatic and difficult experiences often happen in isolation, whether that isolation is emotional, psychological, or physical. Therefore, the way we begin to heal from such experiences is to communicate to our nervous systems that we are now safe and supported and the threat has passed. When we receive messages of safety, our bodies and psyches can discharge the energy they have been holding onto keeping us ready to fight, flee, or freeze. Craniosacral therapy communicates that needed felt-sense of safety to our tissues and nervous systems in a way that helps ease them out of overwhelm and shift into relaxation. Offering craniosacral therapy to overwhelmed nervous systems can have incredible and long lasting healing effects as the body’s wisdom takes over and releases held patterns it has been holding, sometimes for decades.

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of releasing restrictions in the connective tissues of the body, which often leads to emotional release. Craniosacral is performed fully clothed on a massage table with an emphasis on full consent. This work can be combined with Somato-Emotional Release dialogue to explore body wisdom, internal body systems, and traumatic memory resolution.

Note: In-office Craniosacral Therapy sessions are not available at this time.
However, Somatic Experiencing teletherapy sessions can have many similar effects!
reach out to learn more or give it a try.