At Clarity Somatic Therapies, I offer an integrated approach to therapy, and often one therapy flows into another without notice. However, it can be helpful to understand the methods being used. This section is to acquaint you with the different therapeutic approaches and methods I integrate into sessions.
what you can expect from therapy
Be met where you are with mind and body tools that feel safe and supportive
Be invited into the present moment, where you can learn and practice ways to become resourced and resilient in your thoughts, emotions, and body experiences
Slowly integrate and heal from adverse and traumatic experiences, without going too deep into your story
Feel empowered and supported to make the changes you desire internally and externally
Working somatically means including the body—our sensations, our nervous system, our physical boundaries—in the work we do together. The body does not hold onto story the way our mind does, but it can get stuck in incomplete patterns of fight, flight, and freeze that disrupt our ability to show up in our lives and feel safe in our bodies. When we work somatically, there is less need to go into our stories and traumas as we heal from them. Instead we attend to what the body is experiencing in the moment and allow it to move through its innate process towards balance and regulation, and then our thoughts and emotions shift too.
Coming back to our bodies means more access to sensation, boundaries, inner resources, grounding, and our own inner clarity.
Working with me: What’s it like?
Somatic therapy can be accomplished through talk therapy or hands-on bodywork. Including both talk and touch can be particularly effective for lasting change and shifting fight-flight-freeze patterns that affect us on all levels. You can choose therapies according to your comfort level, or I am happy to offer recommendations once I know a bit about you.
somatic therapies can help you:
Become more embodied
Feeling physical sensations in your body
Move through emotions that feel stuck and repetitive
Access your authentic voice
Live from your heart
Become more present
Feel safe enough in your body to connect with others